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篇名 禽畜水產品中動物用藥Quinolone類之殘留量調查
卷期 24
並列篇名 Quinolone Residues in Livestock and Marine Products
作者 周珮如李蕙芳徐麗嵐周曉蕙蘇淑珠周薰修
頁次 345-356
關鍵字 quinolone動物用藥烏骨雞香魚HPLCTSCI
出刊日期 200609


94度針對市售禽畜水產品中quinolone類動物用藥殘留進行調查,委由澎湖縣等15個地方衛生局抽樣烏骨雞肉12件、烏骨雞內臟4件、香魚及鰻魚等魚類39件,共計55件。以衛生署公告高效液相層析法(high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC)進行oxolinic acid、nalidixic acid 、flumequine、danofloxacin、piromidic acid、enrofloxacin、sarafloxacin等7種quinolone之殘留量調查,檢出殘留量與規定不符者再以液相層析串連質譜儀(liquid chromatograph/tandem mass spectrometer, LC/MS/MS)確認。結果5件烏骨雞肉、1件烏骨雞內臟及1件香魚檢出不得殘留之enrofloxacin (0.01~0.04 ppm),與規定不符,該7件檢體經地方衛生局及農政機關聯手進行追查,皆已查到供貨來源,並由縣市政府依「動物用藥品管理法」處理,且列為加強輔導之對象,以防止其再度違反規定。本調查已由本局發佈新聞在案。


A survey of seven quinolone antibacterial residues in wu-ku chicken and fish was conducted. Fifty-five samples, including 12 wu-ku chicken, 4 wu-ku chicken viscera and 39 fish samples, were obtained from retails by the local health bureaus in fifteen cities and counties in 2005. Samples were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method promulgated by the Department of Health. If contents of quinolones in samples exceeded the veterinary drug residue limits set by the Department of Health, further confirmation test was conducted using liquid chromatograph/tandem mass spectrometer (LC/MS/MS). Results showed that 5 wu-ku chicken, 1 wu-ku chicken viscus and 1 sweet fish samples contained enrofloxacin (0.01~0.04 ppm) which was forbidden in livestock and marine products. All the noncompliant samples were tracked down to their origin. Owners of the wu-ku chicken and fish farms were fined and instructed to follow the good veterinary practice as required by the Veterinary Drugs Control Act.

