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篇名 雞肉及雞內臟中乃卡巴精殘留量之調查
卷期 24
並列篇名 Survey on Nicarbazin Residue in Chicken Meat and Offal
作者 陳惠章鄭守訓
頁次 436-446
關鍵字 乃卡巴精nicarbazin雞肉雞內臟烏骨雞肉烏骨雞內臟高效液相層析法high performance liquid chromatography液相層析串聯質譜法liquidchromatographytandem mass spectrometryNicarbazinChicken meat, Black-bone chicken meat, offal, HPLC, HPLC/tandemBlack-bone chicken meat, offal, HPLC, HPLC/tandemoffal, HPLC, HPLC/tandemHPLCtandem mass spectrometryTSCI
出刊日期 200609


行政院衛生署94年公告修訂「動物用藥殘留標準」,其中乃卡巴精(Nicarbazin)於雞之肌肉、肝、腎、脂(含皮)之殘留容許量為0.2 ppm。本計畫依據89.02.22衛署食字第89008985號公告之高效液相層析法分析雞肉、雞內臟、烏骨雞肉及烏骨雞內臟中乃卡巴精之殘留量。均質後檢體以乙腈萃取,經過濾,以正己烷除去油脂後減壓濃縮,再以鹼性氧化鋁淨化,最後利用高效液相層析儀分析定量,並以液相層析串聯質譜儀確認。本計畫於94年3至4月間在台灣地區傳統市場及超市等地抽驗市售雞肉、雞內臟、烏骨雞肉及烏骨雞內臟檢體共40件,經檢測結果,有7件含量超過殘留容許量0.2 ppm,與規定不符,不合格率17.5%。其中10件雞肉中有1件殘留量0.30 ppm,與規定不符,不合格率10%;15件雞內臟中有6件殘留量介於0.22~1.10 ppm,與規定不符,不合格率40%;另12件烏骨雞肉及3件烏骨雞內臟均符合規定。本調查結果於94年8月2日發布新聞在案。


Nicarbazin is widely used against coccidiosis in chicken farms but has been suspected to exert adverse effects on human. The maximum residue limit of nicarbazin in chicken meat and offal was set at 0.2 ppm by the Department of Health (DOH) in April 2005. Therefore, we conducted a survey on nicarbazin residues in chicken meat and offal from food markets islandwide between March and April, 2005. A total of 40 samples were collected and analyzed by the standard method promulgated by the DOH in 2000 using HPLC. The detection limit is 0.02 ppm. We also used HPLC/tandem mass spectrometry to make further confirmation. The results indicated that 17.5% of samples violated the regulation set by the DOH. Among them, one meat and six offal samples were found containing nicarbazin residues higher than the limit of 0.2 ppm. One out of ten chicken meat samples was detected with 0.30 ppm nicarbazin and six out of fifteen chicken offal samples with nicarbazin residues ranging from 0.22 to 1.10 ppm, whereas twelve black-bone chicken meat samples and three blackbone chicken offal samples were all in compliance with the regulation.Our survey denoted that the application of nicarbazin in chicken farm should be monitored for food safety

