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篇名 抗棒麴徽素衍生物抗體生產及抗原之合成
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 The Synthesis of Antigens and the Production of Antibodies Against Patulin Derivatives
作者 許輔李昂徐源泰
頁次 65-72
關鍵字 棒麴徽素衍生物多株抗體Patulin derivativesPolyclonal antibodyMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 199903


     棒麴黴素(patulin)是園產品中最重要的真菌毒素。本研究合成丁醯棒麴黴素(patulin hemisuccinate)並將其耦合至小牛血清蛋白上,以此複合抗原(patulin-hemisuccinate-BSA) 免疫白鼠,再由白鼠體內抽取抗腹水 (antiascite) 並得到多株抗體。經由間接非競爭性酵素連結免疫分析法測定血清的效價及專一性,結果顯示來自六隻中三隻白鼠的抗體效價較高,且對複合抗原具強烈反應。抗體對單獨棒麴黴素的反應較微弱,但顯示了利用此技術發展抗棒麴黴素單株抗體的潛力。


     Patulin hemisuccinate (P-HS) was synthesized and conjugated to bovineserum albumin (BSA) as the hapten-protein conjugation for immunization.Polyclonal antibodies were obtained from the antiascites of six immunized mice.Titers and specificity were determined using an indirect ELISA. The resultsindicated that three of the six mice were better immunized and that theantibodies acted strongly against patulin-hemisuccinate-BSA. Slight ELISAresponses of the antibodies against patulin alone showed the potential fordeveloping monoclonal antibodies.
