
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 中藥製劑指標成分移行率
卷期 8:4
並列篇名 The Turnover Rate of Marker Constituents in Chinese Herbal Medicine
作者 溫國慶
頁次 270-277
關鍵字 中藥楊準湯劑乾浸膏指標成分移行率Traditional chinese medicineStandard decoctionExtractMarker constituentTurnover rateMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 200012


本論文首先簡述中藥製劑品質管制之困難點,接著介紹中藥方劑之煎煮方法與設訂標準湯劑之必要性及其定義。並列舉99 種基準方之乾浸膏率分佈情形。最後介紹指標成分於不同之中藥方劑其移行率之差異情形以及製程中影響移行率之因素。


In this review, difficulties for the quality control of traditional Chinese medicine are described briefly in the introduction section. The
decoction method, the necessity of setting standard decoction and the definition of standard decoction are presented in the second section.
The distributions and variations of extract yields of 99 unified traditional Chinese medicine formulas are discussed in the third section.
Finally, the variations in turnover rates of some marker constituents in different formulas and their influencing factors are also discussed.

