
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 臺灣地區使用之濫用藥物種類
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Drugs of Abuse Pattern in Taiwan
作者 賴滄海林碧芬曾永德陳泰華陳展誠江春桂
頁次 69-74
關鍵字 臺灣的濫用藥物安非他命類鴉片類免疫檢驗法Drug abuse pattern in TaiwanAmphetamineOpiatesEIAMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 200203



Methamphetamine and heroin are the two most important drugs of abuse in Taiwan. In order to investigate whether other drugs are
also abused here, we collected samples from high-risk groups. To study whether the pattern of drugs abuse varies with different geological
location , we collected samples from Taipei (north), Taichung (central), Kaoshiung (south) and Hualien (east), representing four different
locations in Taiwan. A total of 4255 samples were collected from February 1997 to January 1998. Another 100 samples were collected
from Taipei and Hualien on October 2000. Samples were screened with DRI enzyme immunoassay (based on the principle of Emit) to
detect 8 different drugs of abuse. The positive rates are as follows ; Amphetamines 79.5%, Opiates 37.9%, Benzodiazepines 22.1%,
Barbiturates 1%, Methadone 0.4%, PCP and the two most common drugs of abuse in Western society, marijuana and cocaine, were not
