
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Carnosine與anserine對於亞鐵離子、銅離子及過氧化氫誘導淋巴球細胞DNA氧化損傷之影響
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Inhibitory Effect of Carnosine and Anserine on DNA Oxidative Damage Induced by Fe[fec7], Cu[fec7] and H[feaf]O[feaf] in Lymphocytes
作者 謝秋蘭何怡君賴錫淮顏國欽
頁次 47-54
關鍵字 DNA氧化傷害彗星試驗人類淋巴球CarnosineAnserineOxidative DNA damageComet assayHuman lymphocytesMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 200203



The effects of carnosine and anserine on oxidative DNA damage in human lymphocytes induced by Fe2+, Cu2+ or H2O2 were investigated
using single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay). Carnosine and anserine induced a slight DNA damage in human lymphocytes
after incubation with cells for 30 min. Carnosine and anserine caused a tail DNA % from 4.7% to 7.3% and 6.1% to 10.0% respectively, at
a concentration of 5-100 mM. The cell viability of carnosine and anserine to human lymphocytes was more than 85%. Fe2+ and Cu2+
caused a marked cytotoxicity and DNA damage in human lymphocytes with a concentration dependent manner. At a concentration of 100
μM, carnosine and anserine possessed 60-70% inhibitory effect on DNA damage in human lymphocytes when they reacted with Fe2+ or
Cu2+ for 30 min before incubated with human lymphocytes. Fe2+, Cu2+, and H2O2-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes were
inhibited by carnosine and anserine in a concentration dependent manner (5-100 μM). However, the inhibitory effect of carnosine and
anserine on oxidative DNA damage in human lymphocyte was 46.4% and 49.3%, respectively, when reacted simultaneously with H2O2.
Carnosine and anserine possessed more marked inhibitory effect on oxidative DNA damage in human lymphocyte induced by Fe2+ and
Cu2+ than that induced by H2O2. This result might be due to carnosine and anserine did not possess significantly scavenging effect on
H2O2, thus, H2O2 entered the cell and caused DNA damage.
