
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 影響Aspergillus terreus CCRC 32111於馬鈴薯葡萄糖培養基中產生土震素B之因素
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Factors Affecting Territrem B Production by Aspergillus Terreus CCRC 32111 in Potato-dextrose Medium
作者 方信裕彭福佐
頁次 27-31
關鍵字 培養時間溫度培養基容量培養基初期酸鹼值土震素B停滯期碳水化合物Incubation timeTemperatureMedium volumeInitial pHTerritrem BAspergillus terreus CCRC 32111Stationary phaseCarbohydrateMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 200303



The effects of incubation time, temperature, medium volume, and initial pH on the production of territrem B (TRB) by Aspergillus terreus CCRC 32111 were investigated. At 28°C, maximal TRB production and mycelial growth were seen after 12 days’ incubation in potato-dextrose (PD) liquid medium. Greatest TRB production occurred after rapid depletion of available carbohydrate at the stationary phase of fungal growth. TRB production decreased when the broth volume/culture container volume ratio increased, but increased if initial pH was alkaline. These results show that the TRB production is affected by factors including incubation time, temperature, medium volume, and the initial pH of medium.
