
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 建立特徵指紋圖譜作中草藥材鑑定之用
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 Establishment of Characteristic Fingerprint Chromatogram for the Identification of Chinese Herbal Medicines
作者 王兆基徐樹棋關錫耀粟曉黎林瑞超唐黎明陳堅行
頁次 110-114
關鍵字 特徵指紋圖譜中草藥優化色譜實驗條件狼毒Characteristic fingerprint chromatogramOptimizationChromatographic conditionsChinese herbal medicinesLangduMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 200406



Despite the fact that chromatographic fingerprint analysis has been used increasingly for the identification of Chinese herbal medicines, there is no recognized procedure for the establishment of characteristic fingerprint chromatogram. In this paper, a chromatographic response function (CRF) was introduced to quantitatively compare chromatograms obtained under different experimental conditions. As a result, the optimum experimental conditions for the establishment of characteristic fingerprint chromatogram could be identified. Moreover, since the proposed function involved data that were directly available from the workstation after each chromatographic analysis, calculation could be automated. In this paper, the function was successfully applied to obtain characteristic fingerprint chromatogram for Chinese herb Langdu.

