
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 台灣中部地區市售蔬果殘留農藥監測(1999-2004)與介紹HAccP制度
卷期 13:4
並列篇名 Pesticide Residue Monitoring in Marketed Fresh Vegetables and Fruits in Central Taiwan (1999-2004) and an Introduction to the HACCP System
作者 張洳楣陳泰華方 繼
頁次 368-376
關鍵字 農藥殘留危害分析重要管制點最大殘留容許量風險評估多重殘留法氣相層析高效液相層析氣相層析/質譜MEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 200512


農作物在生產過程中難免施用農藥,因此蔬果農產品的農藥殘留量之監測為食品安全衛生管理之重要步驟之一。本研究之目的為監測中部地區之市售蔬果中農藥殘留量並統計分析其檢出率與不符規定之比率,及比較分析全國農藥殘留量包括北、中、南、東四區間檢出率與不符規定之比率。最後,介紹一種可確保食品安全且已廣為世界各國所接受及積極推廣之危害分析重要管制點(HAccP)制度。1999-2004年間由台灣中部地區各衛生局每月抽送蔬果檢體5件至藥物食品檢驗局中部檢驗站,以衛生署公告方法進行農藥多重殘留分析檢驗,利用氣相層析儀(Gc/FPD、Gc/EcD)及高效液相層析儀(HPLc)附螢光、紫外光檢出器檢測70~79種農藥檢驗,本文中農藥多重殘留分析方法之最低檢出限量介於0.03~0.4 ppm。抽樣市售蔬果共計1999件,其中有192件檢出含殘留農藥,4件不符規定;依據全國蔬果殘留農藥監測報告指出,9955件蔬果檢體中殘留農藥檢出率13.9%(1997-2003),不符規定者佔1.2%;因殘留農藥對人體及環境會引起程度不同的風險或危害,故政府每年均執行蔬果殘留農藥把關工作。在台灣,HAccP也已列入食品衛生管理法之食品安全管制系統內容中。有效率的HAccP制度應考慮減少包括化學性(食品添加物、重金屬污染、農藥或動物用藥)、微生物性及物理性可能的危害。HAccP制度及風險評估兩者部分涵義相近,藉農藥殘留量監測資料可驗證HAccP制度實施成效及提供健康風險評估之依據。


The objectives of this study are: (1) to collect and analyze the data of pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits in central Taiwan; (2) to compare the statistics of pesticide residues data in vegetables and fruits in 4 regions of Taiwan; and (3) to introduce the Hazard Analysis C ritical C ontrol Point (HACC P) system to industries and growers of vegetables and fruits for improving the safety of agricultural products. The 1999 samples of vegetables and fruits were collected from supermarkets and traditional markets by 6 local bureau of health in central Taiwan (1999-2004) and analyzed for the presence of 70~79 pesticide residues using multiresidue analysis methods (MRMs). The detection limits of these methods ranged from 0.03 to 0.4 ppm. For central Taiwan (1999-2004), pesticide residues were either absent or compliant with the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) in 99.8% of the samples. Only 4 samples contained a pesticide residue that exceeded the MRL (0.2%, 4 of 1999). In whole Taiwan (1997-2003), pesticide residues were detected in 13.9% of the 9955 samples and 1.2% were violative. To decrease the health risk to human and environment from exposure to pesticides, the government samples and analyzes agricultural productsfor pesticide residues to enforce the limits set by Departmentof Health every year. Risk assessment and HACC P have some overlappingcomponents; both HACC P and risk assessment are encompassedin risk analysis. HACC P is a preventative system and will provide a highlevel of food safety assurance. However, effectiveHACC P requires the consideration of all hazards, i.e. chemical (foodadditives, heavy metal contamination, pesticide residues, andanimal drug residues), microbiological and physical hazards. HACC Pprinciples have been incorporated into food safety legislation inTaiwan and worldwide.

