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篇名 固定深度治療對直腸肛門癌放射治療的影響
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 The Effect of Fixed Couch-Isocenter Distance Treatment on Radiotherapy in Rectal Cancer Patients
作者 曾雁明范綱行白冰清蔡介生林倩?陳臣苑曾振淦
頁次 037-044
關鍵字 固定深度放射線治療直腸肛門癌誤差Fixed couch-isocenter distanceRadiotherapyRectal cancerAnal canerTSCI
出刊日期 200303




結果:頭腳方向的平均位移為1.3± 3.3 mm '左右方向為1.9± 3.8 mm '前後方向為0.2± 2.0 mm。冠狀面平均能轉角度為0.76 ± 2.84度,矢狀面為0.52 ± 0.76度,橫斷面為0.04 ± 0.33 度。



Purpose: To improve the reproducibility of irradiated volume in treating rectal cancer patients with fractionations, we have developed a new isocenter determination method and tested its accuracy by comp位ison of portal and simulation films.

Materials and Methods: Patients were placed in the supin巴position with only a head restraint and feet immobilizer, During Computerized Tomography (CT), the isocenter was fixed at 7cm 台。mth巴bedSUfface in the direction of the abdomen, after which the position was marked on the patient's body by means of laser projection. A rubber tube was attached for visualization on x-ray films. Thβisocenter was thus indicated on the CT scan. During the first treatment, a portal film was made for comparison with the simulation film, and displacement and rotation errors of the two were measur吋.

Results:Mean head-to-toe displacement was 1.3± 3.3 mm, left-right displacement was 1.9± 3.8 mm and anteroposterior displacement was 0.2 ± 2.0 mm. The mean coronal rotation was 0.76 ± 2.84°, sagittal rotation was 0.52 ± 0.76° and transverse rotation was 0.04 ± 0.33°.

Conclusion:Stabilizing the position of the pelvis on the treatm巳nt couch is a reliable method for treatment. Displacement in almost all dir即tions was less than 5mm. The e訂or for coronal rotation was slightly greater, but nonetheless within ac臼ptable range. Therefore,this type of treatment localization method is a simple and reliable method.
