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篇名 東亞區域整合對台灣經濟發展之困境與因應策略
卷期 456
作者 王曉麟
頁次 019-043
出刊日期 200706


東亞地區為近年來全球經濟成長與經貿活動最為活躍熱絡的地區之一,也是區域整合趨勢下最受矚目之地區,此一整合將形成一個占全球人口總數約二分之一,經濟規模為全球五分之一強之經濟體。由於區域主義同時帶有「自由貿易的精神」(對成員)與「保護主義的血統」(對非成員)兩種對立特質,超越了傳統貿易政策上單純的「自由貿易vs. 保護主義」之爭,所以利弊兼具,機會與威脅並呈,甚至終將可能因區域內或雙邊所簽署的相關法制協定,產生對非會員國的一種非關稅或技術性貿易障礙,造成貿易或投資扭曲,而引發不利。台灣在由東南亞國家協會所形成的東亞區域整合中面臨邊緣化危機,原因可歸納為「中國因素」及「台灣因素」。檢討當前所面臨之問題,發現任何解決方案均不應迴避兩岸問題,有鑑於此,本文提出四項解決方案:一、重建台灣優勢;二、正視中國崛起之事實;三、積極促成台美簽署自由貿易協定;四、思考南韓、愛爾蘭經驗之啟示,並將之落實為對內與對外策略之積極作為,才能立身於競爭激烈的國際經貿舞台。


East Asia is one of the most active areas in global economic growth in recent years. It also receives much attention as it moves toward regional integration. The integration will form an economy which is about half of global population and more than one fifth of global GDP. As regionalism has two kinds of opposition characteristics: “free trade spirit” (to member) and “protectionism” (to nonmember), therefore it shows opportunities and threats simultaneously. To sum up, the reasons of Taiwan being excluded from East Asian regional integration by ASEAN, could be attributed to “China factor” and “Taiwan factor”. To overcome these, any solutions should include China-Taiwan relations and we further suggest four solutions: First, reconstructs compete; tiveness of Taiwan; Second, face rise of China; Third, facilitate of sign FTA with USA; Fourth, earth of experiences from South Korea, and Ireland, and try to implement necessary changes.

