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篇名 健康促進指導對內科門診病人生活方式改變的成效
卷期 5:5
並列篇名 The Effectiveness of Using Counseling to Promote Healthy Lifestyles among General Medical OPD Patients
作者 陳美燕盧朱滿林淑瓊廖張京棣史麗珠
頁次 390-400
關鍵字 健康促進的生活方式一般內科門診病人Health promtion lifestyleGeneral medical OPD patientsTSCIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 199710




     Over the last decade public health institutions around the world have been emphasizing I importance of healthy lifestyles. There is much documentation which shows that healthy lifestyles decrease susceptibility to disease and increase longevity. Unhealthy lifestyles, on other hand, are closely correlated with chronic diseases. Nursing has a long and well-document history of activities directed toward promoting healthy lifestyles. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of counseling by nurses on a selected group of patients from a gene medical OPD in a medical center in Taoyuan.A two-group quasi-experimental research design was employed. From October 1995 July 1996, 158 OPD patients were selected and assingned to one of two groups. Members the treatment group received counseling from three trained nurses during OPD waiting time, which was followed up by phone calls. The members of the control group were given counseling but instead received traditional care and a booklet promoting healthy lifestyles. Preassessment was carried out after subjects were selected and post-assessment was done months laster. The findings showed that the counseling caused members of the treatment group to adopt healthier lifestyles. The research outcome supports the value of nurses counseling patients on how to make their lives healthier.
