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篇名 不孕夫妻的困擾程度、壓力感受及因應策略的比較
卷期 5:5
並列篇名 The Comparison of Distress, Stress, and Coping Strategies on Infertile Couples
作者 李從業張昇平陳嘉琦
頁次 425-438
關鍵字 不孕症因應策略先生及妻子InfertilityCoping strategiesHusband and wifeTSCIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 199710




     This study was scheduled for 2 years. The data presented herein are the results of the first-year study. The purposes of the first-year's study were to (1) explore the distress, stress, and coping strategies of infertility on the infertile couples, and (2) compare the differences in distress, stress, and coping strategies between wife and husband. Fifty-nine infertile couples answered the study instrument which was developed by the researchers. This 4 parts instrument included Demographic Data, Infertility Questionnaire, Stress Scale, and a Coping Strategies Scale, The results indicated that husbands had significantly less distress than wives. Husbands' self-esteem was higher than wives'. Husbands' stress toward infertility examination and treatment was less than wives'. The frequency of increasing the space strategies used by husbands was less than those used by wives. The study results provide valuable nformation for health care professionals.
