
護理研究 MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Subjective Meaning of Well-Being for Older Chinese with Diabetes Mellitus in Taiwan
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 中老年糖尿病患心目中的幸福感
作者 戴玉慈Catanzaro,MarciDimond,Margaret F.
頁次 191-205
關鍵字 幸福感老人質性研究Well-beingOlder ChineseQualitative studyTSCIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 199806


     促進病人的幸福感(well-being)是護理的主要目標。護理人員封服務封象的幸福感應有清楚的概念,才能確定我們是否協助病人朝向目標邁進。本研究的目的是探討中老年糖尿病人心目中幸福的主觀意義。 研究者以方便取樣,深入訪談 12 位,50 歲以上患糖尿病者, 訪談是在醫院或病人家中進行,每位病人訪談 1 - 2 小時,會談內容均寫成書面記錄,藉由內容分析找出「幸福感」意義的主題以形成概念模式。結果發現幸福感的概念含有五個主題:(1) 家庭支持 - 從家人獲得實質的幫助、肯定、愛和忠告, (2) 完成自己對家庭的所有義務 - 自認為完成對家庭應負責的任務,(3) 有尊嚴 - 覺得自己高尚、有價值、被尊重,(4) 自立 - 在經濟和日常生活上不依賴子女或他人,(5) 家庭以外的支持 - 從家庭以外的人獲得實質的幫助、肯定、愛和忠告。研究結果顯示中老年人的幸福感是包含身體、心理、社會各面向的統合性概念。我國傳統的五福觀念:健康、長壽、財富、仁德、善終,仍深植中老年人心中,家庭在他們的心中還是佔了首要地位。家庭支持對中老年人的健康幸福有正面的影響,護理人員在照顧中老年人時,應把家屬納入且應促進家庭的健康以強化家庭給中老年人的支持。


     To promote clients' well-being is the primary goal of nursing practice.Researchers and practitioners should formulate a clear concept of well-being. Thepurpose of this study was to explore the subjective meaning of well-being inolder patients with diabetes mellitus inTaiwan. A convenience sample of twelveolder Taiwanese with diabetes mellitus wererecruited. For data collection,face-to-face, in-depth interviews lasting 1 to 2 hours wereconducted by theresearcher in a quiet room in the hospital o r in the subjects' home.Theinterviews were recorded in writing immediately after being conducted.Content analysiswas performed to generate a conceptual model to explicate themeaning of well-being.Findings from content analysis revealed that well-beingconsists of five themes which the subjects perceive as essential attributes ofgood life in old age. The five themes were: (1)family support@the tangiblebenefits, affirmation, affection and advice acquired fromfamily members; (2)completion of all family ob ligations the sense of completing all theduties thatthe subjects perceived to be among their obligations toward their family; (3)sense of dignity-a self-perception of being noble, worthy, and respected; (4)self-reliance-the perception of not being dependent on children or others forfinancial support or physicalcare; and (5) extrafamilial support-the perceivedtangible benefits, affirmation, emotional support and advice provided by theindividuals who do not belong to one's own family. The findings confirm thatfive elements of traditional Chinese concepts of well-being, i.e.health,longevity, wealth, virtue, and a peaceful death, are still embedded intoday's concept of well-being. The identified themes indicate that older adultsperceive well-being in anintegrative way. Subjects were concerned with physical,psychological, and social perspectives at the same time. Family held a positionof supremacy in these subjects' lives.It reinforces the validity of positiveeffects of family support on the well-being of olderadults. Families should beinvolved in nursing care of older adults and the health of thefamily should bepromoted to strengthen family support.
