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篇名 因徑分析的概念與方法
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Concept and Method of Path Analysis
作者 王秀紅
頁次 124-133
關鍵字 因徑分析因果模式因徑係數Path analysisCausal modelingPath coefficientsTSCIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200002




Although many legitimate techniques can be used to develop and test theoretical models, for a practice-oriented nursing discipline, path analysis is a very useful way to examine the on-going interplay between theoretical specification and empirical verification. Ifit is appropriately used, causal modeling can complement both the inadequacies of theories without empirical verification and atheoretical empiricism. Path analysis is considered a precise and representative method of causal modeling for theory testing and generation. The first application of path analysis in nursing research can be traced back to 1980. Until recently, many nurse researchers have begun to use path analysis for data analysis or theoretical model testing. In nursing, path analysis is very useful in distinguishing the complex relationships among variables. As nurse researchers make efforts to develop complex theoretical models, using advanced strategies for data analysis to test the complex relationships among variables can help explain and predict the phenomena of human behaviors and responses and then develop appropriate nursing care models. This article focuses upon presenting and discussing the assumptions of path analysis, the steps of path analysis (including the development of a theory-based model, construction of a path diagram, determination of the sample size, selection of an appropriate matrix for input, model testing and modification, assessment of model fit, and explanation of the results), the advantages and limitations of path analysis, and the applications of path analysis in nursing.
