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篇名 等待心臟移植患者的壓力源、因應行為及相關影響因素
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Stressors, Coping Behaviors, and Related Factors in Patients Awaiting Heart Transplant
作者 廖如文顧乃平
頁次 85-96
關鍵字 等待心臟移植患者壓力源因應行為Patient awaiting heart transplantStressorCoping behaviorTSCIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200002




This descriptive correlational study is to evaluate the stressors, coping behaviors and related factors for patients awaiting heart transplant. Forty-six adult patients, collected from two medical centers in Taipei, were evaluated by“Stressor Scale”and “Jalowiec Coping Scale”. We found that psychological stressors were thefactors which affected patients most while waiting for heart transplantation, and most patients responded with problem-oriented behaviors.“Finding out that they needed a heart transplant”,“Worrying about dying” and “Worryingabout family's financial security” were the most frequent stressors.“Acceptingthe truth”,“Hoping that things would get better” and “Worry”were the most frequent coping behaviors. Related factors were educational level, main source of income, current work situation, and waiting time.
