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篇名 產婦對於傳統醫療中有關產後調理的態度及行為之研究
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Attitude and Behavior towards Postpartum Recuperation in Traditional Chinese Medicine
作者 陳麗麗王純娟
頁次 49-58
關鍵字 傳統醫療產後調理坐月子態度行為Traditional Chinese medicinePostpartum recuperationZuo yueziAttitudeBehaviorTSCIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200002




The objective of this study was to investigate women's attitude and behavior towards postpartum recuperation (Zuo yuezi) in traditional Chinese medicine. Subjects included 196 postpartum women from the pediatric outpatient departments of 2 hospitals in the central Taiwan area who participated on a volunteer basis. All postpartum women had delivered 30 days to 3 months prior to inclusion in this study. After validity and reliability tests were completed, a structured questionnaire was administered to coliect demographic information and behavior towards traditional Chinese medicine, and data was analyzed using an SAS package. Results showed that the postpartum women's attitude and behavior towards postpartum recuperation (Zuo yuezi) were favorable towards Chinese medicine. Subjects reported that they received information regarding proper postpartum behavior from their mother or mother-in-law (85.7%), from friends and other relatives (64.3%), books and periodicals (48.0%) and nursing personnel (33.7%). Approximately 26.5% of postpartum women responded that during the month following delivery, they did not consume cold or uncooked food, 5.6% did not take decoctions for postpartum troubles, 10.7% did not consume chicken soup with sesame oil, 30.6% did not consume DU-ZHONG soup made from pig kidneys. 76%reported that they did not sit continuously for periods of time over 8 hours, 20.9% did not take showers or baths, and 47.9% did not wash their hair. A positive correlation was found between attitude towards traditional Chinese medicine and women who followed Chinese customary postpartum behavior by consuming nourishing Chinese herbs and refraining from consuming cold or uncooked food.
