
護理研究 MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 嫖客對愛滋病知識、態度與行為之研究
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 A Study on Brothel Clients' Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior toward AIDS
作者 李媚媚尹祚芊郭英調
頁次 37-48
關鍵字 嫖客愛滋病知識態度行為Brothel clientsAIDSKnowledgeAttitudeBehaviorTSCIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 200002




The purpose of this study was to investigate brothel clients' knowledge of, and attitude and behavior toward AIDS, and to identify the related factors affecting preventive behavior. This study used a cross-sectional design. Data were callected through a structured questionnaire answered by 203 participants who fre-quented legal and illegal brothels in Taipei. Obtained by means of statistical analysis, the major findings of this study were: about the clients knowledge of AIDS, the rate of correct answers was 69.5%. Knowledge about AIDS as a transmitted disease and about AIDS screening methods scored the highest; knowledge about the most vulnerable population and government-appointed screening centers scored the lowest. Attitude towards AIDS tends to be neutral overall. As to preventive behavior, 7l.6% of the participants routinely accepted a prostitute's request to use a condom and 51.2% of participants routinely used condoms on their own initiative. But the study found that only 12.3% of participants routinely used condom with other sexual partners, and 67.7% had never been tesed for HIV. Participants' use of condoms was significantly related to age, marital status, educational level, occupation, average income, past history of having sexually transmitted diseases, alcohol consumption, drug abuse and the attitude toward AIDS. However, the participants' preventive beha-vior was not found to be significantly related to knowledge of AIDS.
