
護理研究 MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 發展、執行及評量以契約學習為主的臨床教學
卷期 7:6
並列篇名 The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of Contract Learning in Clinical Teaching of Nursing
作者 鍾聿琳高千惠吳祥鳳
頁次 553-568
關鍵字 契約學習學習者主導的學習護理臨床教學Contract learningLearner-directed learningClinical teaching in nursingTSCIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 199912


     本研究的目的在發展、執行及評量契約學習為主的臨床教學模式。研究對象為二年制選修婦女護理學實習課程的護生, 含普通及在職班共 60 人。 本研究採 ActionResearch,以研究者即是參與觀察者( participant observer )的方式,發展出一個以契約學習為主的婦女護理學實習課程,並在實際執行此課程的各階段,以問卷收集質量性之資料,做為評量以及修正此課程之指標。質性資料是以內容分析法,分析、整理及歸類。量性資料是以 likelihood ratio、t-test、平均數、及百分比等統計方法來分析。 學生在經驗此種教學方式後,自我主導學習能力有明顯的提升,並對這種教學方式表示認同,在職班比普通班更滿意這種教學方式。


     The purpose of the study was to develop, implement and evaluate a newclinical teaching strategy by using learning contracts with a group of 60students of the two-year RN completion program at the National Taipei College ofNursing. Action research was used with the researcher acting as a participantobserver. A nursing care of women lab course was developed emphasizing alearner-directed teaching strategy. Student' written notes describing their ownexperience, a structured class evaluation questionnaire and teachers' notesabout student learning were collected while the course was being implemented.Quantitative data was evaluated by utilizing the mean, t-test, and percentageetc. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. Evaluation of the dataindicated that the self-directed learning ability of the students was increasedsignificantly and the student evaluation of the course was satisfactory. Thequalitative data supports the quantitative analysis of the results. Limitationsand recommendations of the study were also included.
