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篇名 從技術資金引進到政經制度改革:鄧小平的開放思想發展的軌跡
卷期 451
並列篇名 From Inflow of Joint-Venture Capital to Institutional Change-On the Development of Deng Xiao-Ping's Open Policy
作者 張光
頁次 1-9
關鍵字 鄧小平技術引進資金引進市場制度改革Deng XiaopingTechnological importCapital importMarket-oriented reforms
出刊日期 200603


自鴉片戰爭以來,向西方學習始終是中國先進人士為振興中華而奮鬥的必經之路。但關鍵的問題是學什麼、怎麼學。文革之後的向西方學習,是在鄧小平的領導下進行的,並取得了世所公認的成功。本文追溯鄧小平在 1978 年復出後的短短的數年間,完成了從技術引進到吸引外資再到市場導向制度改革的思想發展過程。


Since the opium War all Chinese advanced individuals have believed that China must leam from the West in order to rejuvenate China . However , the key questions are what and how to leam . China's most recent , and also most successful , round of learning from the West started after the end of the Cultural Revolution under Deng Xiaoping's leadership . This paPer traces the development of Deng's thought about learning from the West during the 2-3 years after he reassumed power in 1978. During such a short period, Deng made a great progress in his thought about what and how to learn from technological import and capital attraction to market-oriented institutional reforros.
