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篇名 A Left Lower Lung Mass in a Hodgkin's Disease Patient
卷期 5:3
並列篇名 一位何杰金氏症病人放射治療後的左下肺腫塊
作者 王重榮許軒之
頁次 217-220
關鍵字 放射線肺炎何杰金氏症脾臟Radiation pneumonitisHodgkin's diseaseSpleenTSCI
出刊日期 199809




     Radiation therapy played a classic role in the radical treatment of localized Hodgkin'sdisease. We described a Hodgkin's disease patient, stage IIA, who was found a left lung mass on achest film 2 months after irradiation. The mass was near the left lower heart border and obliteratedthe left diaphragm silhouette. Because the location was quite different from the commonlyrecognized paramediastinal radiation pneumonitis following mantle-field irradiation, the lesion hasbeen mistakenly interpreted as a recurrent tumor or tuberculoma. After reviewing and comparingthe chest radiograph with the subdiaphragmatic port-film, a diagnosis of radiation pneumonitis dueto spleen irradiation was suspected. Given only symptomatic treatment, the mass spontaneouslyresolved 3 months later. The unusual case highlighted the importance of knowledge of the radiationport arrangement on the correct interpretation of a follow-up chest radiograph in Hodgkin's diseasepatients receiving radiotherapy.
