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篇名 縮減工時對產出、雇用及勞動生產力之影響:以日本製造業為例
卷期 16
並列篇名 The Effects of Working Hour Reduction on Output, Employment and Labor Productivity in Japanese Manufacturing
作者 邱淑芬許宇翔
頁次 57-91
關鍵字 縮減工時工時產出雇用勞動生產力日本Working-hourWorking-hour reductionOutputEmploymentLabor productionJapanTHCI Core
出刊日期 200407




In the recent two decades, reduction of working hours (RWH) has been an important policy to improve quality of work life and to reduce unemployment by governments and labor unions in industrialized countries. Since 2001, Taiwan has amended working time reduction law to 84 hours in two weeks. This amendment has great impacts on industries and businesses. Due to lack of longitudinal data to run time series analysis with Taiwanese data, this study used Japanese manufacturing data (from January 1982 to March 2004) to investigate the positive and negative effects of RWH on output, employment and labor productivity.
The research findings are as follows. First, regarding the relationship between RWH and output, the increase of capital stock, capacity utilization and increase of working time of current employees had positive effects on output. Whereas the increase of employed persons was negatively related to output. RWH had no effect on output in the period of April 1988 to March 1997, while RWH had negative impact on output during the period of April 1997 to March 2004. Second, as to the effect of RWH on employment, increase of normal weekly working hours and increase of overtime payment had positive relationships with employment. Output increase had negative relationship with employment. RWH had positive effect on employment in the period of April 1988 to March 1997. Last, to examine the effect of RWH on labor productivity, the results showed that the increase of production capacity and capacity utilization would lead to labor productivity increase, while the increase of working time of current employees might decrease labor productivity. Labor productivity increased in the period of April 1988 to March 1991 and in the period of April 1994 to March 2004. This study extends the current research on RWH and implications of this study to governmental policy making are noted.
