
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 市售即溶穀類食品之仙人掌桿菌存在情形及其衛生品質
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 Occurrence of Bacillus Cereus in Instant Cereal Products and Their Hygienic Properties
作者 方紹威朱淑儀施養志
頁次 139-144
關鍵字 仙人掌桿菌衛生品質即溶穀類食品原味即溶穀類食品混合口味即溶穀類食品Bacillus cereusHygienic propertyInstant cereal productRegular instant cerealCereal mixMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 199706


本計畫於81年7月至82年6月,至台北市各便利商店、超級市場及雜貨店等處,抽購市售原味 (regular instant cereal) 以及混合不同口味 (cereal mix) 的即溶穀類食品,合計 155 件。 進行仙人掌桿菌和一些衛生指標菌,例如生菌數 (aerobic plate count)、大腸桿菌群 (coliform bacteria)、大腸桿菌 (Escherichia coli) 等之檢驗,以瞭解市售即溶穀類食品的衛生品質, 計有 50 件檢體檢出仙人掌桿菌 (32%)。 原味有 19 件檢出(26%),而混合口味有 31 件檢出 (38%),兩者有顯著的差異。 兩類檢體含有的仙人掌桿菌菌數範圍分為 3 ~ 93 MPN/g,都符合食品中仙人掌桿菌含量應在每公克 100 個以下之規定。原味即溶穀類食品檢體的生菌數範圍是 5 ~ 2.3 x 10 4 CFU/g,但是混合口味的是 5 ~4.2 x 10 3 CFU/g。本次調查計有 1 件混合口味檢體檢出大腸桿菌,不符口現行衛生標準; 而有 8 件檢出大腸桿菌群,2 件為原味產品 (2.7%),6 件為混合口味 (7.4%),其中 1件大腸桿菌群菌數不符合現行衛生標準。所分離到的 44 株仙人掌桿菌皆有溶血性,但衹有4 株 (9%) 會產生下痢型腸毒素。


From July 1992 to June 1993, 155 instant cereal products were purchased from 24-hour stores, supermarkets and grocery stores in Taipei area and examinedfor Bacillus cereus, coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli and aerobic plate count. The results showed that B. cereus was found on 32% of instant cereal products examined. The isolation rates of B. cereus in regular instant cereal and cereal mix were 26% and 38%, respectively. Count range of B. cereus in all positive samples was 3 - 93 MPN/g. Aerobic plate counts of these two categories ranged between 5 - 2.3 X 10 4 CFU/g and 5 - 4.2 x 10 3 CFU/g, respectively.Among all samples, only one cereal mix sample was illegally contaminated with E. coli, while 8 samples contained coliform bacteria. Coliform was isolated from 2 of 74 (2.7%) regular instant cereal products, but isolated from 6 of 81 (7.4%)cereal mix products, except those of only one cereal mix were beyond sanitary standard. All of 44 B. cereus isolates had strong hemolysin activity, but only 4 isolates were capable of producting diarrheagenic enterotoxin.
