
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 市售盒餐中病原性大腸桿菌之調查研究
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 A Survey of Enterovirulent Escherichia Coli in Box Lunches
作者 王鳳英王貞懿
頁次 151-159
關鍵字 盒餐大腸桿菌群大腸桿菌病原性大腸桿菌box lunchesColiformE. coliEnterovirulent E. coli.MEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 199706


本計劃自八十四年七月至八十五年六月間,由台北市餐飲店及超級市場購買120件市售盒餐,進行大腸桿菌群、大腸桿菌及病原性大腸桿菌之檢驗。 結果顯示120件盒餐中有59件檢出大腸桿菌群,37件檢出大腸桿菌,18件(15.0%)檢出病原性大腸桿菌。依據八十二年一月四日公告之一般食品類衛生標準為:大腸桿菌為陰性,大腸桿菌群小於10MPN/g(ml)。因此盒餐之不合格率為30.8%, 在 18 件檢出之病原性大腸桿菌其血清型以O55:H9 最多,其次為O86a:H34及 O28ac:H18。 臺灣北部地區之盒餐其不合格率頗高,有待加強管理及輔導。


From July 1995 to June 1996, 120 samples of box lunches purchased from restaurants and supermarkets in Taiepi were inspected for the presence of coliform、Escherichia coli and Enterovirulent E. coli (EEC). The results showed that 59 of these samples were contaminated with coliform, 37 were contaminatedwith E. coli, and 18 were contaminated with Enterovirulent E. coli. For the 18 Enterovirulent isolates, strains of serotype O55:H9 were the most numberous, followed by strains of the serotypes O86a:H34 and O28ac:H18. The announcement by the Department of Health on January 4, 1993 set hygienic standards for box lunches, in particular summarize relevant standard. The sanitation levels of 30.8% of the box lunches were therefore unsatisfactory.
