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篇名 主管領導行為、知識管理與企業文化對組織績效之影響--以第一銀行、玉山銀行、花旗銀行為例
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 The Influence of Supervisor Behavior, Knowledge Management, and Corporate Culture on Organizational Performance: The Cases of First Bank, E. Sun Bank, and Citibank
作者 楊雁琳洪明仁韓文仁
頁次 9-27
關鍵字 領導行為知識管理企業文化組織績效Leadership behaviorKnowledge managementCorporate cultureOrganizational performance
出刊日期 200506






實證結果顯示:(0知識管理於組織績效中 之財務績效不存在中介效果;於組織績效中之非財務績效也不存在中介效果。(2)企業文化對於組織績效中之財務績效不存在干擾效果;而於組織績效中之非財務績效卻存在干擾效果。最後根據上述研究結果加以提出研究結論、建議、與限制。


This research project investigates variables influencing banking performance. We conclude that although leadership behavior is an independent variable, evidence suggests that knowledge management is a mediating variable and that the corporate culture of the workplace is a moderating variable. Itis important to understand

The research project focuses on three banking institutions: First Bank, E. Sun Bank, and Citibank. The analysis proceeds by implementing the construction regression model method to compare the performance of these three banks.

The findings suggest that (1)knowledge management was not a mediating factor in either financial or non-financial performance; (2) corporate culture does not produce interference in regard to financial performance but does become an interfering factor in non-financial performance. Conclusions, recommendations, and limitations

are drawn from the research results.
