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篇名 剖析SCOR模式之KPI
卷期 43:10
並列篇名 The Discussion to the KPI of SCOR Model
作者 黃永東
頁次 71-74
出刊日期 200710



The supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model, proposed by the Supply Chain Council (SCC), is a standard supply chain performance evaluation model which has been widely embraced by many modern organizations. The SCOR model can enable an enterprise to analyze its supply chain performance in a systematic way, to enhance communication among its members in the supply chain, and to design a better supply chain network. This article is to describe the processes and their key performance indexes (KPI) with levels 1, 2 and 3. The KPI with level 1 are selected as an example. The competitive advantage will be improved by using SCORcard analysis for KPI.

