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篇名 臺灣食品產業競爭策略
卷期 43:9
並列篇名 The Competitive Strategies of Taiwan's Food Industry
作者 鍾智慧
頁次 68-71
出刊日期 200709



Taiwan Produces some of the best food in the world, but is that yesterday's game?
The food industry of Taiwan, face the difficult challenge. The sales grow slowly in recent years, but the value of the food industry has not disappeared. The major problem which the domestic company is the limitedly market in Taiwan, cause the manufacturer to compete by way of low price. If the companies only confine their view to the same old products and markets, lack the new vision, their long-term competitiveness is fragile.
The domestic manufacturer must jump over their used thinking, take a broad view of the whole world, focus on the goal market and consumer demand, find out the effective management tactics and development policy of the products, link the industry supply chain, increase profession and uniqueness of the company, can establish a successful future.

