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篇名 韓愈〈送幽州李端公序〉幾個問題
卷期 2
並列篇名 Comments on Han Yu's “A Farewell Essay to Li I of Yu Chou”
作者 柯萬成
頁次 67-80
關鍵字 韓愈李益李藩劉濟Han YuLi ILi FanLiu Chi
出刊日期 200306




Li I returned to his hometown at Lo-Yang to celebrate the birthday of his parents during the fourth or fifth year of Y?an Ho Reign of the Tang Dynasty. For the occasion, many of high officers sent him farewell gifts. Han Y? sent him a farewell essay in which Han asked him to transmit to Liu chi the message expanded between Prime Minister Li Fan and himself. In order to persuade Liu Chi to resume his loyalty to the Emperor due to the nice connection between Li I and Liu chi. Li I did transmit this message to Liu Chi no later than Liu’s death at the July of the fifty year of the Y?an Ho Reign. With respect to the chronological problem of Han’s essay, whether or not Li I worked as officer at Yu Chou, and whether or not Li I was on mission as a messenger, in view of all evidences, I conclude that Han’s essay should be dated between February of the fourth year of the Y?an Ho Reign and March of the fifth year of the Y?an Ho Reign. The traditional view that Li I worked at that time at Yu Chou is wrong. Li I did transmit the message to Liu Chi but by letter, without taking the mission as a messenger.
