
護理研究 MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 結腸造口病人出院前自我照顧能力及其相關因素之探討
卷期 5:5
並列篇名 A Study on the Self-Care Abilities and Related Factors of Colostomy Patients during Pre-Discharge Period
作者 高啟雯顧乃平
頁次 413-424
關鍵字 結腸造口自我照顧社會支持ColostomySelf-careSocial-supportTSCIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 199710




This is a discriptive study. The main purpose of this study is to explore the self-care abilities and related factors in patients with colostomy. Sixty-one colostomy patients were interviewed from six hospitals. The conclusions made: 1.The self-care of colostomy patients were: (1)knowledge: For the score of self-care scale in patients with colostomy, the first one was “odorcontrol” and followed by “diet”, “skincare”, “colostomyself-assessment”, andthe last one was “activities”.(2) skill: 50% - 60% of colostomy patients were short of basic skills of stoma care. 2. Colostomy patients' self-care was related to their personal characteristics. The determinants were age, education, occupation, the source of the family livelihood and those who believed the condition was severe. 3.Colostomy patients' self-care was related to social support. The relationship between self-care and social support was positive (p < 0.001). 4. Colostomy patients' self-care was related to the degree of motivation about self-care. The relationship between self-care and the degree of motivation about self-care was positive (p<0.001).
