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篇名 史記秦楚之際月表論考
卷期 23
並列篇名 On 'The Chronological Table by Months from Qin to Chu' of Shiji
作者 閻鴻中
頁次 93-121
關鍵字 司馬遷史記秦楚之際月表體例年月例魏豹鉅鹿之戰Sima QianShijiThe Table by Months of the Times of Qin and ChuTHCITSCI
出刊日期 199906


  在《史記‧十表》中,記時單位最小、涵蓋時間也最短的是〈秦楚 之際月表〉。此表是將秦二世元年七月至漢高帝五年(前209~202)間 的大事按月編排,但其記時體例一直備受質疑。本文首先釐清其年月例 ,進而闡述此表的記事功能。
  〈月表〉的年月例分為三類:甲、紀正朔年月(4人,8%);乙、 計月而數(28人,56%);丙、兼計年月(18人,36%,含隱性案例九 人)。藉由從計月者中鉤稽出兼計年月的隱性案例,全表98%的案例皆 獲得合理的解釋。甲例銜接住秦、漢兩朝的曆年,確立了時間的界碑; 乙、丙則標示出群雄起事或封王的歲月多寡。初起抗秦的群雄多用乙例 ;而丙例除一人存疑外,若非領袖群倫如懷王、項羽之流,就是最終服 屬漢廷的諸侯王。初起群雄,恰與歸漢之諸侯王代謝消長;故而計月者 盡亡之時,即漢王朝一統之日。明白此例,當時天下分合推移的過程一 覽可知。
  在記事功能方面,涉及這一時期的《史記》本紀、世家和列傳,極 少標明事件發生的月分,許多關鍵資料都只記載在〈月表〉裏。本文以 表文前半涉及秦、楚和項氏的三個部份為例,說明太史公以表來統攝全 書相關紀傳的寫作手法。文末〈附錄〉則係表文辨證六則。


 The 'Chronological Table by Months from Qin to Chu' recorded major events that happened during the period from the Second Emperor of Qin (209B.C.) to the establishment of the Han Dynasty (202B.C.). Of the Ten Tables of Shiji, it is the table that covers the shortest period of time and uses the smallest unit of time. The rules governing its timing have not been correctly analyzed by any readers or historians, and have been criticized so severely that its significance and uses could not be estimated properly.
 By examining every case in this table, it becomes clear that there are three types of time-recording in all: 1. That using signs of the official calendar such as yuan-nian (元年) and jeng-yueh (正月); 2.that using the number of months since the rise of the characters; 3.that using the number of months as well as of years. In the light of above analysis, nearly all of the rules of time-recording can be recognized, and 98% of the cases can be explained logically. With the understanding of the rules and their characters, the readers of the Table can easily find the historical changes during that eight years.
 In addition, the Table also includes many important and special records. In conclusion, the Table is essential to understanding what actually happened in the history of Qin and Chu that cannot be found elsewhere.
