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篇名 臺語兒歌創作歷程之研究
卷期 1
並列篇名 Creation Process of Taiwanese Nursery Rhymes
作者 林心智
頁次 80-101
關鍵字 臺語兒歌創造歷程Creation processTaiwanese languageNursery rhyme
出刊日期 200308


本研究是研究者根據自我觀察,將自己創作六首台語兒歌的全部歷程,記錄下來。每首兒歌,從有了主題,到最後完成,其間所經過的狀況及思考活動,包括嘗試錯誤的過程,都有詳細的記錄。從六首兒歌的創作歷程,研究者整理出一個個人創作兒歌的模式,它包括腦力激盪、造第一句、造其他句、修改、完成等五個主要步驟。在實際的兒歌創作歷程中,這五個步驟,並非循著直線、單向的進行;實際上,這五個步驟之間存在著交互流動的雙向關係。從六首兒歌創作過程中所經歷的24 種步驟,研究者歸納出四種類型:第一類是與產生字、詞、句有關的創作活動,第二類是與詞句修改有關的創作活動,第三類是創作活動受阻的狀態,第三類是創作活動結束的狀態。最後,研究者提到,在其個人的創作方式中,兒歌的創作,可藉助於字典提供的視覺刺激,而不需全靠自己去憑空想像。


Based on his self-observation, the researcher wrote down the actual process, as he composed six Taiwanese nursery rhymes. The entire process, including thinking activities,trial and error processes, and states of progress, was faithfully recorded. From the 24 different activities/states involved in his creation process, four major types were identified.
The first type related to the production of words, phrases and sentences. The second type related to modifications of phrases or sentences. The third type related to states of nonprogress in the composition process. The fourth type referred to activities related to the completion of a rhyme. Finally the researcher pointed out that the sources of creative
thinking in the composition of a children’s rhyme were not limited to off-handed imagination, but could come from visual stimuli.
