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篇名 預付型服務中誘發消費者產生移轉意圖之因素:競爭效果之探討
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 Factors of Inducing Switch Intentions in Prepaid Bundling of Services: The Exploration of Competitive Effects
作者 顧萱萱
頁次 29-49
關鍵字 預付型服務移轉意圖競爭效果Prepaid bundling of servicesSwitch intentionsCompetitive effectsScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 200606




In services, the practice of marketing a single package for a special price and granting customers the rights to consume stepwise has been pervasive. The rationale for such practices is to lock in customers, and therefore deny them to competitors. Under such circumstances, competitors might need to deliberate about counter strategies to strive for favorable competitive positions. This article outlines the principle techniques associated with counter strategies by taking customers' perceptions into account. First, competitors can manifest their relative advantages to enhance customers' perceived benefits, acting as a bait to attract existing customers. Second, in order to build up customers' confidences of replacement, competitors need to strengthen information availability to decrease their perceived risks. In the meanwhile, information availability may have negative effects on evaluation costs and information search costs, and in turn switching costs. Third, considering switching barriers, competitors should offer trade-ins and heighten service compatibility to assist with customers coping with the pressures of switching costs. The ultimate objective of these techniques is to deescalate customers' consumption behaviors with original service providers and enhance their intentions to switch. Given the favorable test results, except for the main effects of information availability, suggestions for further explicating are offered.
