
臺大管理論叢 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 The Communication Among Selected Business Journals
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 商業管理期刊間的相互引d證分析
作者 林建煌
頁次 129-143
關鍵字 商管研究商業管理期刊引證分析非計量多元尺度法Business researchBusiness journalCitation analysisMDSScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 199502




This study analyzed the nature of citation made and received by selected 16 business journals. The major purpose of this study is an attempt to evaluate the communication and dialogue among major business journals. A two-dimensional MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) map was derived. These two dimensions can be entitled "qualitative-quantitative" and "macro-micro" respectively to interpret the co-citation relationship among these 16 business journals. Four "invisible colleges" of business journals were found in this study. These four colleges of business journals indicated the four mainstreams of business research.
