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篇名 Asset Substitution and Credit Reputation Equilibrium
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 信用市場中資產替代與企業信譽均衡關係之研究
作者 王克陸
頁次 223-241
關鍵字 Asset substitutionRisk shiftingAgency costReputationCredit market資產替代風險轉移代理成本企業信譽信用市場ScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 199402




The purpose of this paper is to study the asset substitution problem in a credit market with repeated borrowing. In literature this agency problem between the borrower and the lender has been used to explain various financial phenomena. Applying the con-cept of sequential equilibrium, this study demonstrates that the role of reputation in a credit market can deal with the asset substitution problem without contracting cost. The nature of the equilibrium interest rate is explored and the welfare implication is dis-cussed. Since the agency costs can be reduced in this equilibrium, the explanations based on asset substitution argument need to be examined more carefully.
