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篇名 The Nise-Compromise Procedure for Multiobjective Linear Fractional Programming
卷期 2:1
作者 曾郁仁許志義
頁次 291-302
關鍵字 ScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 199105



The purpose of this paper is to present a new concept in and algorithm for multiobjective linear fractional programming (MOLFP). The new algorithm integrates non-inferior set estimation (NISE) method and compromis programming, and is termed the NISE-Compromise algorithm. The paper first discusses some issues of the MOLFP algorithms developed by Kornbluth and Steuer ( 1981 ) and by Nykowski and Zolkiewski ( 1985 ). Second, the mathematical form and iterating process of the NISE-Compromise algorithm are elaborated on. Finally. a numerical example with two linear fractional objective functions is presented to demonstrate the new algorithm's application. Suggestions for further research are also given.

