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篇名 以Kano模式探討台灣高鐵等待服務品質
卷期 43:10
並列篇名 Using Kano's Model to Explore the Wait Service Quality of THSR
作者 黃勇富李蕙君
頁次 59-64
關鍵字 Kana二維模式等待服務品質顧客滿意台灣高鐵Kano's ModelWait Service QualityCustomer SatisfactionTHSR
出刊日期 200710




Although other advanced countries already have HSR work, Taiwan HSR runs in the beginning of this year. It brings some benefits which can enhance the development of Taiwan economically and the change of the social structure, and shorten the distance between the north and the south. So, Taiwan public will have some expectations on the service of HSR in the coming future. HSR, a newborn industry, needs some time to work on the track, but as for customers' needs and satisfaction, it has to figure out which wait service quality is more important-tant and needs to be improved. Also, it is necessary to strengthen and provide these important items to it's costumers in order to help the company to promote it's service efficiency and competition power as well as attract the customers to visit.
