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篇名 某醫院日間照護室收案病患及其家庭狀況之研究
卷期 13:3
作者 徐宗福許國敏
頁次 229-241
關鍵字 以醫院為基礎之日間照護中心日常生活功能心理社會功能Hospital-based day care centerActivities of daily livingPsychosocial activitiesTSCI
出刊日期 199406




     The objectives of this study were to: (1) understand the family and socioeconomic status of the enrolled clients in a day care center; (2) evaluate their activities of daily living, mental status and psychosocial activities; (3) explore the needs of clients and the helping willingness given by their families.A profile of the typical participant was male, more than 70 years of age, a native of Taiwan, married, with farmer health insurance, no occupation, graduated from elementary school, within one month of stay, ill with cerebrovascular disease, living in the Fengyuan area with sons and grandchildren. The activities of daily living were partially dependent, the mental status appeared moderately disordered, and the psychosocial activities were high-level partially dependent. Their families were not functionally impaired and their socioeconomic status belonged to high level. The participants' needs were physical therapy, socialized recreation, nutritional care, medicine therapy, etc. The typically primary caregiver was female, 61-70 years of age, a native of Taiwan, married, with occupation, graduated from elementary school, participant's spouse or child.Six indices which consisted of the activities of daily living, mental status, psychosocial activities, family functional status, socioeconomic status and the helping willingness for clients were analyzed. The findings were: (1) The worse the participants' activities of daily living, the worse their mental status and psychosocial activities. (2) The worse the participants' socioeconomic status, the worse their family functional status. (3) The better the participants' activities of daily living, mental status, family functional status and psychosocial activities, the higher the helping willingness for clients. And, the most important factors affecting the helping willingness for clients were psychosocial activities and family functional status. As a whole, what we must emphasize is developing hospital-based day care center is an essential measure catering for needs in an aging community. It will not only solve the problems existing in the acute short-stay hospital, in the participant's family and in society, but integrate to achieve medical care network and thoroughly promote national health care services.
