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篇名 B型及C型肝炎盛行鄉內各村之間的盛行率差異:高雄縣梓官鄉之社區研究
卷期 18:5
並列篇名 HBsAg and Anti-HCV Prevalence among Villages in an Endemic Township: A Community Study in Tzukuan, Kaohsiung
作者 陳義隆盧勝男吳正禮
頁次 313-318
關鍵字 B型肝炎病毒C型肝炎病毒Hepatitis B virusHBVHepatitis C virusHCVTSCI
出刊日期 199910


     目標:高雄縣梓官鄉是台灣地區曾被報告的C型肝炎病毒盛行地區之一。本研究旨在做全鄉篩檢,以了解該地區B型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)及C型肝炎抗體(anti-HCV)盛行率及各村之間的差異。方法:設籍於梓官鄉45歲以上民眾共計9,628位,以信件及廣播通知來檢查HBsAg及anti-HCV,回應率為30.2%。結果:HBsAg及antiHCV之年齡性別標準化盛行率分別為12.8%及41.6%,其中包括有4.6%為兩者共同感染。HBsAg之盛行率隨年齡增加而減少,反之anti-HCV之盛行率隨年齡增加而增加。性別與盛行率無關。沿海七村的anti-HCV盛行率61.4%,明顯高於內陸八村的29.1%。各村間的anti- HCV盛行率最高為赤崁村67.9%,最低為梓和村23%。結論:本研究建立C型肝炎盛行地區基本流行病學資料,發現同鄉內各村落間之盛行率差異大,可作為推展防治工作的參考。


     Objectives: The authors have earlier reported on Tzukuan, in Kaohsiung County, as an endemic area of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). We further conducted a screening survey in the township for estimating the varitation of prevalence of Hepatitis B surface Antigen 浶BsAg羖nd anti-HCV among villages in the township. Methods: A total of 2909 (30.2%) residents aged 45 years or older who lived in Tzukuan responded to our invitation to a screening for HBsAg and anti-HCV. Results: Age-, and sex- standardized prevale nce rates of HBsAg and anti-HCV for all participants were 12.8% and 41.6%, respectively, which included 4.6% with dual infection. Prevalence of HBsAg significantly decreased with age, while anti-HCV significantly increased with age. Sex was not related to the prevalence of HBsAg or anti-HCV. The prevalence of anti-HCV was higher in coastal areas (61.4%) than in inland areas (29.1%). Chukang village had the highest prevalence of anti-HCV (67.9%) and Tzuho village had the lowest (23%). Conclusion: This surve y reveals apparent variation in anti-HCV prevalence rates among villages in a township. The information we obtained can serve in HCV prevention and control in this area as well as in other endemic areas.
