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篇名 臺南地區各層級醫療機構新生兒生命統計概況
卷期 14:5
作者 陳德人林其和王琪珍王新臺葉純甫
頁次 400-406
關鍵字 新生兒區域規劃生命統計NewbornRegionalizationVital statisticsTSCI
出刊日期 199510


近年來臺灣地區的新生兒醫療快速蓬勃地成長茁壯,許多醫療機構內都已成立新生兒加護醫療單位。不過,新生兒醫療需要昂貴的設施裝備,眾多的醫護人員和龐大的醫療費用。為調查臺南地區新生兒於各層級醫療機構的出生現況,以瞭解現階段醫療資源的運用情形,進而提供地區醫療作業整體性規則時的參考,減少醫療設施和人力的重覆投資與浪費。本研究由民國八十年七月至八十一年四月間,徵得臺南地區 15 所各層級醫療機構,包括第一層 (產科醫院或診所 )8 所、 第二 3 層 (地區或區域醫院 )6 所和第三層 (醫學中心)1 所,自願參加新生兒生命統計資料的蒐集。 資料包括出生方式、懷孕週數、出生體重和周產期預後等。共計 14307 人新生兒中,剖腹產佔 26.38 %,低出生體重 (<2500 公克 )百分比為 5.69 %,和極低出生體重 (<1500 公克 ) 百分比為 1.08 %。 由出生方式、懷孕週數、出生體重、周產期預後中有關新生兒轉診、死產及新生兒死亡等在各層級醫療機構中的比率,均隨機構層級的升高而遞增的現象,反應出臺南地區的產前轉診作業已略具難型。但在第一層醫療機構中被轉診的嬰兒,尚佔地區轉診病嬰的四成,且第一層醫療機構的早產和低出生體重嬰兒分別佔 3.97 %和 4.20 %,其比率仍需降低,顯示進一步的規劃和落實尚有待努力與加強。


In Taiwan, with the increasing demands of better care for newborn infancts, neonatal intensive care units have been established in many medical institutions. However, neonatal intensive care requires relatively high cost and additional health care manpower.
Regionalization is an alternative in meeting the following objectives: quality care for all newborns, maximal utilization of highly trained perinatal personnel and intensive care facilities, as well as assurance of reasonable cost-effectiveness. The purposes of this study were to discolse neonatal vital statistics at different hospital levels and to prepare for regionalization in the Tainan area. The data of cesarean section rate, birthweight and gestational age distribution, and neonatal outcome from each of three levels of medical institution in Tainan area from July, 1991 to April, 1992 were collected and analyzed, Fifteen medical institutions were included on a voluntary basis; eight from level Ⅰ (obstetric clinic/ hospital),six from level Ⅱ (community hospital and one from level Ⅲ (tertiary medical center). In 14,307 newborn deliveries, the cesarean section rate was 26.38%. The incidence of low birthweight (<2500gm) was 5.69%, and the incidence of very low birthweight (<1500gm) was 1.08%. The results also showed that part of high risk newborn infants and pregnant women have been transferred to higher level medical institution for better care.
Furthermore, 40% of the transferred newborn infants were born in the obstertric clinic/hospital (level Ⅰ ). The incidences of premature (3.97%) and low birhtweight (4.20%) infants born in the obstetric clinic/hospital should be reduced. Further improvement of regionalization of perinata medical care in the community is needed.
