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篇名 Effect of Maternal Risk Characteristics on Neonatal Outcome Correlated to Mode of Delivery
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 出生方式對新生兒預後及母親罹病率之影響
作者 陳淑貞藍忠孚余玉眉陸振翮
頁次 52-61
關鍵字 High risk pregnancyCesarean sectionMaternal morbidityNeonatal outcome高危險妊娠剖腹生產母親罹病率新生兒預後TSCI
出刊日期 199702


本文旨在探討不同的產婦狀況,其剖腹生產與否與新生兒罹病率及死亡率之關係。我們以電腦化出生通報系統分析臺灣地區十家醫院 18249 位產婦與其所生的 18539 個新生兒的資料,收集時間從民國 81 年 2 月至 82 年 2 月。資料顯示高危險妊娠有 6051 位,佔 33.2%,其 72 % 採剖腹生產, 非高危險妊娠的有 12198 位,其中 9.4% 採剖腹生產。剖腹生產的產婦不論其是否高危險妊娠,其產後併發症均高於一般自然生產的產婦(高危險妊娠 11.2% 比 3.4%,非高危險妊娠 3.7% 比 1.2 %,P<0.001 )。但高危險妊娠採剖腹生產的新生兒其罹病率( 9.4% 比 28%, P <0.001 )及新生兒死亡率( 0.8% 比 6.2%, P<0.001 )均較自然生產者低,此種差異在非危險妊娠則不存在。多變數分析顯示生產方式在高危險妊娠群對母親及胎兒確是一獨立的影響因素。高危險妊娠採自然生產,其週產期死亡率增加( OR:4.0,95% CI:2.5-6.2; P<0.01 ), 新生兒罹病率增加( OR:1.8, 95%CI :1.4-2.4; P<0.001 ), 而母親產後罹病率減少( OR:0.24,95% CI: 0.18-0.32;P<0.001 )。我們的結論是在高危險妊娠,考慮胎兒出生後之預後,採剖腹產是合理的。至於非高危險性妊娠,採剖腹產必須慎重,因其對新生兒之預後並無好處,卻提高了產婦之產後罹病率。


This paper explores the associations among modes of delivery, maternal and perinatal outcome and risk factors of pregnancy. We examined medical birth register data of 18539 infants from 18249 deliveries admitted to ten delivery units from Feb. 1992 to Feb. 1993. After controlling the potential confounding effect of maternal and infant characteristics, the outcome measures of different modes of delivery were compared. Incidence of high risk pregnancy was 33.2% ( n=6051 ); in this group, in comparison with vaginal delivery, cesarean section was associated with higher maternal morbidity ( 11.2% vs 3.4%; p<0.001 ),but lower neonatal morbidity and perinatal mortality ( 9.4% vs 28%, 0.8% vs 6.2% respectively;p<0.001 ). Moreover, multiple logistic regression analysis showed vaginal delivery increased the perinatal mortality ( odds ratio: 4.0, 95% confidence interval: 2.5-6.2, p<0.001 ) and neonatal morbidity ( odds ratio: 1.8, 95% confidence interval: 1.4-2.4, p<0.001 ) but decreased the materal morbidity ( odds ratio:0.24,95% confidence interval:0.18-0.32, p<0.001 ). In non-high risk preganancy ( n=12198 ), cesarean section was also associated with higer maternal morbidity ( 3.7% vs 1.2%; p<0.001 ), but for neonatal morbidity and perinatal mortality there was no difference with different modes of delivery. In conclusion, cesarean section was associatd with a better birth neonatal outcome in high risk pregnancy; however, it raised maternal morbidity without improving the neonatal outcome in non-high risk pregnancy.
