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篇名 產婦特性與採用剖腹產:以臺大醫院為例
卷期 16:4
並列篇名 Maternal Factors Associated with the Use of Cesarean Section: A Case Study of the National Taiwan University Hospital
作者 黃俊元楊銘欽陳維昭
頁次 309-318
關鍵字 剖腹產保險身份非醫療因素Cesarean sectionInsurance statusNon-medical factorsTSCI
出刊日期 199708


     為探討產婦人口學因素及非醫療因素對產婦採用剖腹產利用的影響,本研究於1994年12月至1995年2月針對台大醫院全部527位產婦施以以自填式結構化問卷普查,問卷回收率為92.41%。研究結果顯示:研究樣本中採用剖腹產的產婦共有202位(41.5%),其中除了部份確實因為醫療因素而採用剖腹產以外,其餘產婦則受到非醫療因素影響,按其重要性百分比排序依序為:1.選擇良辰吉時、2.比較容易安排生產時間、3.怕生產疼痛,自己提出要求、4.害怕生產過程沒有丈夫親友陪伴、5.擔心自然產後會導致陰道裂傷鬆弛影響性生活、6.親友丈夫建議、7.利用假期安排剖腹產、8.保 險有給付。而在對數複迴歸分析結果中,對產婦採用剖腹產有影響之相關因素包括:產婦的保險身份、年齡、居住地、生產胎次、教育程度及有剖腹產主要診斷等。


     The objective of the study is to investigate the impact of maternal characteristics, nonmedical factors on the use of cesarean section. Questionnaires were sent to 527 child-bearing women in National Taiwan University Hospital from December 1994 to February 1995. Four hundred eighty seven responses were received. Response rate was 92.41%. Totally there were 202 cesarean cases (41.5%). The reasons of having cesarean section were due to medical and non-medical reasons. The women of cesarean delivery ranked rhe importance of the non-medical factors as follows: 1. to choose a good delivery time, 2. to arrange delivery time easily, 3. to avoid delivery pain, 4. to worry about that her husband and relatives can not keep company, 5. to worry about that vaginal delivery would influence the sexual life, 6. her husband and relatives suggested to take cesarean section, 7. utilizing vacations to arrange cesarean delivery, 8. since payment will be covered by insurance. According to the result of the logistic regression analysis, variables significantly associated with the use of cesarean section included: maternal insurance status, age, residence, education level, parity of childbearing women and having in-dications for cesarean section.
