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篇名 民衆對醫藥分業執行方案意見調查
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 Public Opinion Survey of Separation of Physician's Dispensing Practice from Medical Practice
作者 季瑋珠陳善音陳建煒
頁次 10-18
關鍵字 醫藥分業separation of physician's dispensing practice from medical practiceTSCI
出刊日期 199802




In the practice of medicine, utilization of prescription drugs comprises of two components: a physician prescribes the drug(s), and a pharmacist dispenses the drug(s). However, in Taiwan these two professional activities have not been clearly separated. According to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and National Health Insurance Act of Republic of China, prescription and dispensing should be carried out by different professionals, starting from March 1, 1997. The specific aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of the general public toward the implementation the regulation of the "separation of physician's dispensing practice from medical practice". A random digit dialing telephone interview as conducted in the evenings of January 6 through 9, 1997, a total of 1568 Taiwan residents aged 20 and above were interviewed. 58.2% of them did not know the date that the regulation was supposed to become effective. 72.1% preferred a dual-track system (both pharmacies and hospitals or clinics with licensed pharmacists could dispense prescription drugs) and 24.0% preferred a single track system (all medications dispensed in pharmacies). In general, middle-aged, better educated, military or civil personnel, teachers, residents in southern Taiwan, and those with better knowledge about drugs were more likely to know the date that the regulation was supposed to become effective, and to prefer the single-track method. Based on these results, we suggest that better public education and communication, directed especially to people with lower socioeconomic status and limited information are practical ways to implement the regulation.
