
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 檢體處理方式與ACTH檢測值相關性之探討
卷期 15:4
並列篇名 Effects of the Specimen Processing on Clinical ACTH Evaluation Results
作者 魏玲慧謝雅雯林俊龍李惟奇孫紀征王昱豐
頁次 183-188
關鍵字 促腎上腺皮質激素放射免疫分析試管ACTHIRMATest tube
出刊日期 200212


方法:此研究共收集20位自願者之血液檢體,分別依不同採血管 (SST試管、EDTA試管及Heparin試管)、不同離心時間(馬上及4小時後離心)及不同傳送方式(冰浴及室溫傳送),以免疫放射性定量分析法 (immunoradiometricassay,IRMA),分別檢測ACTH濃度,計算其平均值,並且利用Pearson相關係數與迴歸方程式,分別比較各組數據與標準作業方式(EDTA試管、2 ml檢體、4℃低溫傳送、立即離心分裝血漿)所測得ACTH濃度之間的相關性。


Objective: Human adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is released from the anterior pituitary gland and stimulates adrenal cortex to secrete adrenocortical hormone. The aim of this study is to explore a simple process for handling ACTH specimen without change of clinical significance.
Methods: Blood samples from 20 volunteers were divided into different testing tubes: EDTA tube, SST tube and heparin tube; in different transfer ways: with ice bath or under room temperature; and different processing time: centrifuge immediately and four hours later. All of the specimens were collected at 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and the ACTH level was examined by IRMA method. In comparison with the standard procedure: EDTA tube, transferred with ice bath and centrifuged immediately; data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficient and linear regression methods.
Results: The blood specimens collected by EDTA tube, transferred at room temperature and centrifuged immediately showed high compatible result with standard procedure. On the other hand, the specimens, collected by other testing tubes, showed definite difference result as compared to EDTA tube, no matter in the passing way or processing period. Conclusions: The specimens collected by EDTA tubes and processed immediately upon receiving could be applied clinically for ACTH evaluation, though they were transferred at room temperature. The testing tubes other then EDTA tubes, no matter how they were transferred or processed, should be rejected. This result may simplify specimen processing, reduce the cost of capital and avoid artificial careless.
