
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Solid Phase Radionuclide Esophageal Transit Study in Normal Chinese
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 正常國人之放射性同位素固態食道通過檢查
作者 王世楨林萬鈺陳儉鏗
頁次 119-123
關鍵字 食道放射性同位素造影通過檢查EsophagusRadionuclide imageTransit study
出刊日期 200106


方法:本研究一共收集28例正常人,受檢者平躺在核子醫學造影機上面,此造影機與電腦連接,先讓受檢者吞食一塊含1 mCi的鎝-99m-phytate的烤蛋,經咀嚼後令受檢者吞下,並施予同位素造影,然後再計算食道通過功能的各項指標。我們使用Klein和Wald的數據處理方法來處理本研究的各項資料。
結果:這些正常國人的固態食道通過功能指標的正常參考值分別為:proximal mean transit time:14.68±4.6秒;middie mcan transit timc:16.87±6.35秒;distal men transit time:16.11±6.22秒;total mean transit time:25.12±6.19秒residual fraction:0.21±0.15%;retrograde index:0.38±0.15%。


Background: A sciritigraphic method using gamma-emitting radiouclides to quantify the transport of a bolus through the esophagus has been developed. This method is easy and quick to perform. A normal refevence range fonthe procedure is nequired for clinical practice. The purpose of the study was to set up a normal reference range of solid phase esophageal transit function for Chinese.
Methods: Twenty-eight normal healthy volunteers were enrolled for solid phase radionuclide esophageal transit study. Each subject was placed in a supine position above a gamma camera interfaced with a computer and was given a piece of scrambled egg containing 1 mCi of 99mTc-phytate. A computer routine modified from Klein and Wald was used in this study. Total mean transit time, regional mean transit time, residual fraction after first swallow and retrograde index were calculated.
Results: The total mean transit time was 25.12 ± 6.19 sec. Mean transit time for the individual areas were: proximal, 14.68 ± 4.68 sec; middle, 16.87 ± 6.35 sec; and the distal, 16.11 ± 6.22 sec. Residual fraction and retrograde index were 0.21 ± 0.15% and 0.38 ± 0.15%,respectively.
Conclusion: The method of radionuclide esophageal transit study is a simple, physiologic and quantitative method for evaluatin9 esophageal motility. The normal reference range of esophageal transit will be very for gastroenterologist in management of dysphagia.

