
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Value of Spleen Imaging with [fee6]Tc Labeled Heat-Damaged Erythrocytes in Evaluating the Function of Splenic Autotransplants
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 鎝99m標幟熱變性紅血球脾臟顯像檢測自體移植脾功能的價值
作者 王浩煒劉增禮吳錦昌吳浩榮
頁次 91-95
關鍵字 自體移植脾放射性同位素脾臟顯像紅血球Splenic autotransplantRadionuclide imagingErythrocyteTechnetium
出刊日期 200106




Objective: The purpose of this study was to evatuate the survival and function of splenic autotransplants using spleen imaging with 99mTc-heat damaged erythrocytes.
Methods: Sixteen patients with splenic rupture under-went spleen imaging with 99mTc-heat damaged erythrocytes in 1 to 2 weeks after splenic autotransplantation (early scans). Twelve of them underwent the same imaging 3 to 5 months after operation (follow-up scans).
Meanwhile, CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD4/CD8, in peripheral blood were measured and compared to those of controls.
Results: Splenic autotransplants were faintly showed on early scans, and the intensity of radioactivity in auto- transplants was lower than that in liver. The increase of intensity of tracer accumulation in autotransplants was significant on follow-up scans. The levels of CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD4/CD8 ratio were significantly lower than those of controls 1 week after operation, and returned to normal 3 months later. These findings were accordant with the histological sequences of splenic autotransplants (i.e. necrosis, regeneration, vascular re-growth).
Conclusion: The spleen imaging with 99mTc-heat dam-aged erythrocytes is a valuable and effective method for evaluation of the survival and function of splenic auto-transplants.
