
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 雙加馬攝影機耦合造影之蒙地卡羅模擬研究
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Monte Carlo Simulation Study on Coincidence Imaging with Dual-Head Gamma Camera
作者 朱亦丹劉仁賢陳志成
頁次 33-38
關鍵字 電腦模擬雙偵測頭加馬攝影機正子耦合造影Computer simulationDual head gamma cameraPositron coincidence imaging
出刊日期 200103


方法:藉由電腦程式\"SimSET"模擬實際DHCI系統的造影。利用空間解析度、線性度、圓柱假體與胸腔假體影像的模擬測試來獲得不同物理參數條件下的模擬結果。所選擇的模擬儀器參數儘可能與實際E. CAM+的DHCI系統相同以使模擬結果有實際意義。


Background: The gamma camera with dual-head coincidence imaging (DHCI) is widespread during last few years. This instrument for single and positron coincidence imaging is a multipurpose system with reduced cost. We have limited knowledge on this innovative device, so we need to explore its imaging characteristics to know the factors that affect image quality. In this study, we try to use computer simulation of DHCI system, and to evaluate the practicality for actual imaging and clinical situation.
Methods: We used computer program "SimSET" to simulate the DHCI imaging. The simulation tests-spatial resolution, linearity, cylindrical phantom and torso phantom images were performed to obtain simulation results based on variable physical parameters. Simulation parameters were chosen based on real DHCI system-E. CAM+, thus makes the simulation results meaningful.
Results: The spatial resolution is obtained by simulating the point source in air, the radial resolution behaves differential form measured one, but tangential resolution matches the measurement results form the reference. In linearity test, it shows that there exist artifacts when the sampling projection angles are not enough. The simulation of uniform activity in a cylindrical phantom shows photon attenuation effect in the image, which demonstrates that photon attenuation can be analyzed by simulation. The simulated cardiac images reveals that fake activity loss results from non-attenuation correction in the thin myocardium walls.
Conclusion: Even though the simulation results are not identical to phantom studies yet, they have potential for setting actual clinical imaging situations. If we can further improve the drawbacks, then we could make the simulated results match the real experimental results. Then we could analyze some effects such as attenuation and scatter that affect DHCI system's image quality.

