
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 鉈-201心肌灌注檢查加作俯臥位造影的助益
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Differentiating Diaphragmatic Attenuation by an Additional Acquisition in the Prone Position in 201Tl Myocardial SPECT
作者 陳建仲顏若芳魏天佑黃博昭
頁次 7-10
關鍵字 鉈 201心肌灌注掃描仰臥位俯臥位不可逆缺損橫膈膜周圍軟組織衰減201Tl myocardial SPECTSupine positionProne positionIrreversible perfusion defectDiaphragmatic attenuation
出刊日期 200103




Background: The supine position is the most commonly used position for 201T1myocardial SPECT. However, artifacts caused by diaphragmatic attenuation in the inferior wall are often noticed. The overseas studies showed the prone decubitus would minimize the effect of diaphragmatic attenuation. This study is aimed at the evaluation of this effect in the Oriental.
Methods: Twenty-four patients without and 3 patient with prior inferior myocardial infraction underwent stress 201T1 myocardial SPECT using either treadmill exercise or interavenous dipyridamole. Both the stress and 4-h redistribution images were acquired in the supine position. An additional acquisition in the prone position was performed if irreversible perfusion defect in the inferior wall was noticed.
Results: Using the prone position, increased tracer activity in the inferior wall was noticed in 21 (87.5%) of 24 patients without prior myocardial infarction. All 3 patients with prior infarction showed no increase in the inferior activity.
Conclusion: Using the scintillation camera system without transmission attenuation correction, an additional set of images taken in the prone position is useful in the differentiation of the artifact in the inferior wall caused by diaphragmatic attenuation.

