
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 fee6]Tc-Methylene Diphosphonate Planar Skull Bone Scan in Detecting Basal Skull Lesions in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 鎝-99m-MDP平面頭顱骨骼掃描於偵測鼻咽癌患者顱底病灶之應用
作者 吳明哲邱南津李碧芳
頁次 1-6
關鍵字 骨骼掃描鼻咽癌單光子電腦斷層掃描顱底Bone scanNasopharyngeal carcinomaSPECTSkull base
出刊日期 200103




Background: The authors evaluated the performance of 99m Tc-MDP planar skull bone scan in detecting basal skull lesions in patients with naspharyngeal carcionma, proposed a strategy for effective use of planar and SPECT skull bone scan in the imaging of NPC patients, and evaluated the influence of increased mastoid bone uptake on the interpretation of planar skull bone scans.
Mehods: One hundred and seventeen patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma underwent whole body, bilateral planar skull, and skull SPECT bone scans. The findings for the skull base and mastoid bone on planar and SPECT images as interpreted by three nuclear medicine physicians from different hospitals were compared to reach a consensus. The SPECT consensus was then used as the final result for performance evaluation of the planar images.
Results: The planar skull bone scan had a sensitivity of 78%, a specificity of 77%, an accuracy of 78%, a positive predictive value of 94%, and a negative predictive predictive value of 45%. The consensus results and performance between the patients with and without mastoid lesions showed no significant statistical differences.
Conclusion: We recommend NPC patients with negative or equivocal findings on planar skull bone scan undergo skull SPECT for further evaluation while those with positive findings may save the SPECT for further evaluation while those undergo skull SPECT for further evaluation while those with positive findings may save the SPECT unless otherwise indicated. Increased uptake in mastoid bone does not adversely affect the reading of planar skull bone scan.
