
政大中文學報 THCI

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篇名 文化主體性的尋求──論葡國作家若澤.薩拉馬戈
卷期 8
並列篇名 Cultural Identity and Cultural Anxiety:A Case from Jose Saramago
作者 馮傾城
頁次 151-174
關鍵字 葡萄牙文學認同危機文化伊比利亞後殖民主義Portuguese LiteratureIdentity CrisisCultural Ibricaostcolonial StudiesTHCI
出刊日期 200712


葡萄牙作家若澤.薩拉馬戈於1998 年獲得諾貝爾文學獎後,其作品乃至西葡文學在全球範圍內得到了更多關注。綜觀已有的關於薩氏的研究成果,大多為傳統的「作家作品論」或「譯介學」(medio-translatology)的論述,從「文化身份」(cultural identity)這一「文學研究的新視角」考察薩氏的專論尚不多見。本文為此期望在此一角度上對薩拉馬戈研究有所拓展,並彙入全球學界對文化認同與文化焦慮問題的關注與思考之中。


After winning the first Nobel Prize for Portuguese literature, Saramago’s works as well as other Portuguese masterpieces have gained greater attention worldwide. Scholars all over the world try to analyze and evaluate his works from different angles. However, most of the studies on Saramago and his works are focused on the “literarity” of the works of a certain author or bounded in the field of “medio-translatology”. There are not yet special studies that start from the brand-new angle of “cultural identity”. The present study tries to fill in this blank.
