
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 數位計畫營運風險管理之探討
卷期 3:1/2
並列篇名 A Study of Risk Management for Digital Project Business
作者 何瑞萍
頁次 107-124
關鍵字 數位計畫風險管理Digital projectRisk managementTSSCI
出刊日期 200506




Digital projects need considerable amount funds, all kinds of administrative talent and technical talent, it is possible that they would bring the risk chances for digital projects .Therefore, it is the key strategy of digital projects success to plan risk management in advance. This study focuses on the process of digital project business- risk identification, risk analysis, risk response planning, risk monitoring and control, and finally to make some suggestions about the risk management issues.
